Family Friendly Walks and Hikes
The various fascinating themed trails lead young and old adventurers from the eternal ice over gentle alpine pastures to the lovely valley of the Tuxbach. In the spirit of alpine pastures and moors, water, animals and the glacier, you can experience and explore nature up close and with all your senses. Of course, our glacier bug Luis will accompany you on these adventures!
Visit the bear playground Penken-Pepi:
Hiking suggestion: Finkenberg - ascent with the Finkenberger Almbahnen to the Penkenjoch-Granatalm - Zirbenweg - Gschösswandhaus - Almstüberl - descent with the Finkenberger Almbahnen
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 2,5 hours
- Distance: 6,6 km
- Ascent with the Finkenberger Almbahnen
- TIP: Pepis Kinderland
- Suitable for buggies
- Circular hiking trail
Visiting the Almspielerei at the Eggalm can perfectly be combined with this nice family walk:
Tux-Lanersbach – ascent with the Eggalm Bahnen - Waldhoaralm - Brandalm - Tux-Lanersbach:
- Difficulty: intermediate
- Walking time: approx. 4 hours
- Distance: 6 km
- Ascent with the Eggalm Bahnen
- TIP: Almspielerei
- Circular hiking trail
A hike in the Hintertux Glacier area with a detour at Luis' Glacier Bug and Ball Safari:
Hintertux - Ascent with the gondola to the Sommerbergalm - Tuxerjoch - Weitental - Hintertux:
- Difficulty: intermediate
- Walking time: approx. 4 hours
- Distance: 9 km
- Ascent with the Hintertux Glacier Lift to Section I Sommerberg
- TIP: Luis' Gletscherfloh- and Kugelsafari
- Circular hiking trail
These are the trails especially suitable for families with babies, and/or toddlers who are not yet able to walk great distances.
Tuxbachweg Tux-Vorderlanersbach - Hintertux:
- Difficulty: easy
- Walking time: approx. 3 hours
- Distance: 10 km
Hintertux – ascent with the gondola to the Sommerbergalm - Bichlalm - Hintertux:
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 2,5 hours
- Distance: 5 km
Juns - Grieralm:
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 2 hours
- Distance: 4,8 km
Tux-Lanersbach - Höllensteinhütte:
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 1,5 hours
- Distance: 3,8 km
Tux-Lanersbach - Oberjuns - Juns - Tux-Lanersbach:
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 2 hours
- Distance: 6 km
Tux-Vorderlanersbach - Geislerhof - Tux-Vorderlanersbach:
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 3,5 hours
- Distance: 8,7 km
Finkenberg - Gasthof Brunnhaus
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 2 hours
- Distance: 3,5 km
Finkenberg - Ascent with the Finkenberger Almbahnen to Penkenjoch-Granatalm - Zirbenweg - Gschösswandhaus - Almstüberl - Mittelstation Finkenberger Almbahnen
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 2,5 hours
- Distance: 6,6 km
Hintertux – ascent with the gondola to the Sommerbergalm - Tuxerjoch - Weitental - Hintertux:
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 4 hours
- Distance: 9 km
- Circular hiking trail
Tux-Lanersbach - ascent with the Eggalm Bahnen - Waldhoaralm - Brandalm - Tux-Lanersbach:
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 4 hours
- Distance: 6 km
- Circular hiking trail
Tux-Lanersbach - Lattenalm - Tux-Vorderlanersbach:
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 3 hours
- Distance: 6 km
Finkenberg - Glocke - Schluchtwelt:
- Difficulty: easy
- Walking time: approx. 1,5 hours
- Distance: 2,5 km
- Circular hiking trail
Finkenberg – ascent with the Finkenberger Almbahnen to Penkenjoch - Zirbenweg - Gschösswandhaus - Almstüberl – descent with the Finkenberger Almbahnen:
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 2,5 hours
- Distance: 6,6 km
- Circular hiking trail
Finkenberg - ascent with the Finkenberger Almbahnen to the middlestation - Naturwelt/Moorlehrpfad - Tux-Vorderlanersbach:
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 3 hours
- Distance: 6,9 km
Circular hike Finkenberg - Stein - Wasserfälle
- Difficulty: medium
- Walking time: approx. 2 hours
- Distance: 3,7 km
Overview TUX-Welten

The TUX-Welten offer an impressive variety of themed trails through the fascinating nature of the region. Luis' glacier bug safari and ball safari take you into the world of glaciers and the exciting ball track. Discover the unspoilt nature of Tux-Finkenberg in the Nature World. The animal world offers encounters with the animal inhabitants of the region. In the plant world, you can explore the diverse flora of the Alps. The water world offers refreshing experiences in bubbling streams and its own play stations. The Gorge World invites you to explore the impressive Glocke natural landscape in Finkenberg. These trails allow you to experience the beauty and diversity of the TUX-Welten up close.
Discover the TUX-Welten with glacier bug Luis
Get your stamp card at our offices and start collecting stamps while solving puzzles. Collect 5 stamps and receive our explorer gifts as a reward for a small contribution towards expenses at the Tux-Finkenberg Tourist Office. You can collect the gifts from the Tux-Lanersbach office or the office in Finkenberg.
We will be happy to send you our family brochures by post free of charge.
Destination address for the tourist information:
A-6293 Tux, Lanersbach 401
Plan your route online:
Detailed information on how to get to Tux-Finkenberg by bus is available here.
The airports at Innsbruck, Salzburg and Munich are between 90 and 230 km from Tux-Finkenberg.
Here you can find the flight shedules of Innsbruck