Time tables of busses and trains
Here you can find all information about the bus- and train lines, contact information of all taxi companies and more helpful details about the bus and train:
- Nightliner Winterparty mit „The Sweet“ in Finkenberg
- Tux-Finkenberg Shuttle Linie 4104
- Tuxer Sportbus Hauptsaison 2024-25
- Tuxer Sportbus Nebensaison 2025
- Nightliner
- Green Line
- Red Line
- Skibus Finkenberger Almbahnen
- Taxi Olly, +43 664 1377988
- Taxi Kröll, +43 5287 86900
- Four Season - Flughafentaxi, Tel. +43 512 584157
- time table Zillertal Bahn 15.12.2024 - 13.12.2025
Arrive by
Destination address for the tourist information:
A-6293 Tux, Lanersbach 401
Plan your route online:
Detailed information on how to get to Tux-Finkenberg by bus is available here.
The airports at Innsbruck, Salzburg and Munich are between 90 and 230 km from Tux-Finkenberg.
Here you can find the flight shedules of Innsbruck