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Honouring our regular guests

How to become a regular guest?

We at the tourist office are often asked how one actually becomes a regular guest? There is no other tourism region where regular guests are looked after with the same intensity as in Tux-Finkenberg. In our Region we combine the well-known Zillertal hospitality with intensive care not only by the tourism association but from all involved parties such as the owners of the hotels and houses, the local population and societies to guarantee our guests a perfect stay.

  • 10 stays with a landlord
    Most landlords know how many times you have stayed with them and you can register for the “Stammgästeehrung” after ten stays. The event always takes place for each "round" stay. You can also ask your landlord how many stays you had. The tourist office has no record of your stays in the area but we can see if you have been honoured.
  • Stammgästeehrung – the event
    Every Thursday evening at 5 p.m. the “Stammgästeehrung” takes place in the Tux-Center in Tux-Lanersbach. In a festive setting with musical accompaniment, you as a regular guest will be honoured by a board member of the tourism association or community representative.
  • Status of regular guests
    From the time of the first award for the 10th time in our holiday region Tux-Finkenberg you are listed in the database of the tourism association. We will send you our regular guest newspaper twice a year.
  • Regular guest week
    Since 1988, the regular guest week takes place every 4 years. During these 7 days you will experience hiking, guided tours, events and a gala dinner on the last day. Everything organized by the tourism association and countless societies, groups, landlords and volunteers. Your landlord can register you for this regular guest week. 

Previously honored regulars:

29.104 Regular guests (current state)

Where do our regulars come from?

29.104 Guests from all
parts of the world
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
22.027 Guests from
1.494 Guests from
1.279 Guests from
1.196 Guests from
996 Guests from

Numbers & facts 2024

Guests per evening in the TUX-Center
20 Guests per evening in the TUX-Center
Glasses of schnapps
1.000 Glasses of schnapps
Glasses of sparkling wine
600 Glasses of sparkling wine
Glasses of orange juice
250 Glasses of orange juice
450 Napkins

We present you with ...

Branded glas of schnapps
1.000 Branded glas of schnapps
500 Photos
640 Books

Honoured guests 2024

831 honoured guests
2 honoured for
140 and more stays
3 honoured for
120 - 130 stays
5 honoured for
100 - 110 stays
7 honoured for
80-90 stays
36 honoured for
60-70 stays
90 honoured for
40-50 stays
99 honoured for
30 stays
225 honoured for
20 stays
363 honoured for
10 stays

Regular guest newspaper

In our regular guest newspaper "Ferienblick" you will learn the news of your holiday region. As a regular guest in Tux-Finkenberg, you will receive our regular guest newspaper twice a year free of charge by post.

The last two editions can be found here on this page for downloading and browsing.

Landkarte Tux
Arrive by

Destination address for the tourist information:
A-6293 Tux, Lanersbach 401

Plan your route online:

Detailed information on how to get to Tux-Finkenberg by bus is available here.